What's Deadlier Than Obesity?


Studies show that loneliness kills. In fact, isolation and intense feelings of loneliness are far deadlier than obesity. According to lead author Dr. Julianne Holt-Lunstad, human beings are social animals and we crave regular interaction and social relationships. Take these out of the equation and an individual will start fading away gradually.

The study, which was presented at the 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, highlighted the hazards of loneliness compared to obesity. Lunstad added that social connection is a critical part of humanity's well-being and survival.

Isolation of individuals suggests that loneliness can be deadly in comparison to obesity. People exposed to isolation show more health problem occurrences than that to fat people. More lonely people die of stroke, and the social isolation shows increasing rates to early deaths. Infants lacking social contacts are extreme examples as they fail to thrive and eventually meet their demise.

Countries see increasing population of people exposed to loneliness

With 218 subjects in a study in the United states regarding exposure to isolation and its effects on human health, researchers link the early demise of lonely people in a lot of four million patients suffering the health hazard. The investigation indicates that 50 percent of the patients in the circle of loneliness die earlier than a socialized individual that has the connection to people, in comparison to obesity whose rate of dying is at the age of around 70 which is about 30 percent of the subjects in the research.


Image courtesy of: FredConcha

Photo By [King.Q4]

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