To Give Up & Believe Everything The Media Says


Reading this right now you probably know what it's like to talk to people who simply don't get it. It makes me try to jump into the head of whoever I'm talking to and say "So you're just going to take the vaccine when it's ready?"

That doesn't usually work so well - but since today is 'Funny Friday' one person who is just amazing at this is JP Sears and his recent (possibly most viral ever) is so perfect for right now. So I figured it would be the perfect video to post to lighten things up just a bit.

Funny stuff huh? I thought he just nailed it on this one and that's probably why it seems like it might end up being his most popular video he deserves it so if you aren't one of his million subscribers maybe now you will be.

I also want to keep things moving in the right direction so here's a more esoteric video which was shared to me recently that does a great job of cutting through all the BS medical science that's been spreading lately by quoting some very interesting sources. Don't shout at me that "this wasn't fact checked" because that's not the point.

It's also kind of funny in a way especially in the beginning.

Please share your thoughts below in the comments and share this page on your social media if you got a laugh or cry out of either of these!

Photo By renaissancechambara

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One comment on “To Give Up & Believe Everything The Media Says”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing both videos and in particular, the one explaining the non-existence of viruses and how it all comes down to the terrain and lacking forms of potassium. I myself have realized that part of my healing crisis journey and declining health the past 5 years related to iron deficiency turned anemic, which related to lack of cell salts. I am taking homeopathic cell salt remedies now along with some other remedies combined in a dilution for what i need daily which I determine using a dowser to read my higher intuitive energy needs. The snake/serpent remedies are needed for the multiple parasite systemic chronic infestation I have developed as a result of imbalanced terrain and exposure to harmful wi fi and living in a mold/lead/asbestos environment for 2 years last place I lived (at least). Mold is a huge issue and then also, the BIO Chem trails also unbeknownst to me, contributed to my illness. All are being used to slowly poison all of us, but now, with this increasingly looming so-called "cure" vaccine that we all need that they are telling us will be voluntary (but I believe is a lie), this one will create even more deaths - huge. All ready many people suffering symptoms of this so-called virus still don't get how the symptoms are related to 5G and BIO CHEM (Stratospheric Injections) trails raining toxins down on all life - lowering the immune system. I wonder though, how does HERPES virus which I was told I had for life and have had several fever blister outbreaks - how does this come about if not a virus? Do they not hide in the Dendrites within nerve cells? Is that a lie too?

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