Why Ancient Romans Had Healthier Teeth Than We Do Today


The modern diet is chock full of empty calories and if you need more convincing, a new study found that ancient Romans had healthier teeth than most Americans today because they consumed less sugar.

The study was conducted by scientists appointed by the Archaeological Superintendence of Pompeii. Dr. Elisa Vanacore, who oversaw the dental examination said: “the inhabitants of Pompeii ate a lot of fruit and vegetables but very little sugar”.

She went on to say that “they ate better than we did and have really good teeth. Studying their teeth could reveal a lot more about their lives.”


Although Ancient Romans lived in era before toothbrushes and toothpaste, new research has revealed that they in fact had perfect teeth. Scientists appointed by the Archaeological Superintendence of Pompeii used CAT scans to examine the remains of 30 men, women and children killed in Pompeii. They conducted x-rays on the bones and teeth and were surprised to see that the Pompeians incisors and molars were in good shape.

Italian radiologist Giovanni Babino was the lead scientist and stated in a press conference that the ancient Romans had perfect teeth and no immediate discernible need for dentists. It is believed that the Romans low-sugar diet played a huge role in their dental hygiene.


Image courtesy of: pediatricdentalhealthcenter

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