Removing THIS From Your Diet Decreases Cancer Risk Significantly


Studies show that reducing sugar intake may be key to decreasing the risk of cancer significantly. According to Dr. Otto Warburg along with other health experts, cancer cells feed on sugars in the blood to spread malignant cells all over the body.

By cutting back on processed food, the cancer cells are unable to nourish themselves. They starve and die off naturally. According to the report, the "connection between sugar and cancer development is certainly not new."

Several studies show that processed foods contain refined sugars that increase the risk of cancer. Unfortunately, the modern diet is high in sugar. Making better food choices is key to maintaining better health.


Cancer’s Fuel – Sugar 

Dr. Otto Warburg along with other health experts have been talking about how cancer loves sugar since the 1920s.  Surprisingly many doctors don’t tell their cancer patients that as long as they continue to eat processed foods full of the stuff, they will likely have a more difficult time fighting this disease. 

The German physiologist, leading biochemist, medical doctor, and Nobel laureate was convinced that you could starve cancer right out of the body. While it may not always be that easy, this is something that could significantly change the game.

His theory was that malignant cells and tumor growth was caused by cells that generated energy via adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through a nonoxidative breakdown of glucose (sugar). The recycling of the metabolite from this process called glycolysis and the circulation of adhA back into the body caused anaerobic respiration. This is the reverse of what happens with healthy cells. Healthy, non-cancerous cells generate energy for the body to use through the oxidative breakdown of pyruvate, the end product of glycolysis, which leads to oxidized mitochondria. He therefore concluded that cancer was really a mitochondrial dysfunction. The normal process of respiration of oxygen in the body is changed to the fermentation of sugar. If you remove the sugar, the body should not develop cancer.

Image courtesy of: - Annetta -

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